Thursday, October 27, 2011

So A got her braces off today and had asked for corn on the cob. I bought bi-color corn....much sweeter and yummier than plain yellow corn!  I already had the stuff for the stir fry, so I made that as well as the corn. I had put the broccoli and carrots in a pan with water in it to steam them to get softer (my kids like those vegis soft - yuck!).  The problem was that I had to run out to pick up the soccer group (Super Mom's you know how that goes....running out in the middle of making dinner to drive car pool!). Once the steaming was almost done and I asked A to turn off the stove  - I set a timer so that she would know when it was time (about 5 minutes).  Well, she turned off the stove (good girl!), but the pan was still so hot that all the water had evaporated and the pan and vegis all burned.  It smelled and is a mess to clean up. I will put it on the stove with water in it and let it boil for awhile, that should allow for me to get the pan clean - probably tomorrow.....something has to give on my crazy Super Mom life, and dishes is that thing.

I made the stir fry without the broccoli and just chicken, onions and mushrooms.  At the end, I put in water chestnuts and bean sprouts.  I also put in some sugar free teryaki sauce I had found at my store.  There were complaints that I didn't make enough, but everyone was full when dinner was done.  I am just tired of left overs getting put away and never eaten.

Count Chocula was on sale at work ($.99!!), so I bought myself a box and hid it.  The only problem was that I was SO excited to eat it that I ate 4 bowls of it in the last two days.  Now the roof of my mouth is raw.   All I can think about it that I hope my mouth heals so that when we go out of town next week, my rawness won't effect the tasting experience of the special restaurants in Toronto when we go out of town.  I need to careful what I eat for the next week.

One of my co-workers (thanks Cyndi!) brought me some brownies she had made.....chocolate and caramel with cayene pepper.  It was yummy!  The heat sneaks up on just taste the sweet goodness at first, but then the heat hits you in the back of your throat.  I love that - but only when the difference between the sweet and the hot aren't so huge..

A "gourmet" popsicle I had on a trip to Nashville had TOO large of a contrast.  It was chocolaty and cold, but once the cold left, it has burning my I would take another lick to cool it off....and then hot again.  And so the cycle went around and around until I threw it away.  I just couldn't take the sharp contracts anymore!!!

Not sure what dinner is going to be tomorrow.  It is the only weekday I don't work.....hhhhmmmmm.....not sure......

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